Welcome to the Line Dance SAL

Welcome to the Line Dance SAL

Welcome to the Line Dance Sew-Along!

The weekly prompts, tips and tutorials will be hosted on this blog, and linked right here.

Week 1 - Picking fabric

Week 2 - Cutting & organizing the ribbon fabrics

Week 3 - Cutting & organizing the background fabrics

Week 4 - Making block A

Week 5 - Catch-up week for block A (see link for week 4)

Week 6 - Making block B

Week 7 - Catch-up week for block B (see link for week 6)

Week 8 - Assembling the quilt top

What's next? - Quilting ideas for your Line Dance top

Bookmark this post in case you miss or misplace a weekly email. Please do not share these links outside of the sew-along.

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