Swirly Lollipop - the rainbow one
I have a delicious new FPP block to share today! This Swirly Lollipop foundation pieced quilt block pattern is now available in my shop.

I had designed the Swirly Lollipop a couple of months before I finally got around to making this sample and finishing the pattern.
It's a fun and relatively quick sew, and I loved seeing it come together. It's not difficult to piece, but I would suggest it for more advanced beginners because it does have a number of fairly small pieces, and those can be a bit more of a challenge.
If you're just starting out on your FPP journey, try some of the Ice Cream Sunday blocks first, the popsicles and ice cream bars are great starter blocks after you've done the basic squares and triangles to learn the technique.

I love a good rainbow fabric pull, and this one was no exception. All of these are fabrics from my stash and from the scrap bins I’ve been organizing lately. And, as it turned out, this pattern is jelly roll friendly, since all the coloured pieces end up getting cut at 2.5″ wide. So if you have some leftovers from a favourite jelly roll, this lollipop will be perfect to use them up.

This quilt block finishes at 12" square, but it is easily scaled up or down on your home printer or a photocopier. A 9" block would make a fabulous mug rug or hot mat for the table, or how about a drawstring bag or purse front?
The Swirly Lollipop quilt block pattern is available in my shop.